
24.06.24: Roland Alpha Juno 2 repair: https://sdiy.info/wiki/Roland_Alpha_Juno_2

25.02.24: KlimperLux optical guitar pickup: https://codeberg.org/Luno/KlimperLux

23.11.23: Switchable capacitor: https://codeberg.org/Luno/pro-cap_small

16.08.23: update, with Pinetime-smartwatch: Wireless gesture control of a synthesizer (preview)

04.02.23: new schematic: A minimalistic MIDI interface for the Raspberry Pi / play a MIDI file

01.11.22: Kritzelphon preview: Paper to MIDI

19.02.22: Deutsch: Platinen herstellen mit dem Schneideplotter
                English: Making PCBs with a cutting-plotter

16.10.21: Encoder and attiny13 emulating buttons of Korg Poly-800

22.08.21: Bluetooth-midi to din-midi bridge

20.12.20: Arduino Lichtorgel (colour organ) for LPD8806-LED-strip

13.06.20: Teensy MIDI controller for SysEx (26.02.21: update v1.2)

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